Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


Guys, I know that I have been away for a while, but I have recently switched companies and am in the middle of training.  At the moment I am sitting in a hotel in Northville, Michigan and could not wait to get this out to you.

I have to say that the ultimate stack more than lives up to its name. I have seen great increases in my mental focus, motivation, and determination. I have only been taking it for one week, and just started taking 2 scoops of supp-d yesterday, but my sessions the past two days have been outrageous. I am completing at a minimum one more set per exercise and increasing my weight on each set. I am 165 pounds and tonight pulled a 590lb deadlift(bottom rung of the rack). I have not been able to go above 525 in the past, and I think i could have easily pulled 600. I am in a hotel for training over the next 2 weeks so I am having to adapt to new equipment, especially the bench so I will not have an exact measurement on chest until I make it back home, but the signs are all there that this product is exceptional. As I mentioned earlier, I am in the process of training so that I can compete once again in powerlifting competitions and I would love to continue to use this stack. I can tell in only 1 week time that my gains over this month are going to be significant and would be going forward.

I was pretty solid before taking the ultimate stack, but I am seeing more definition and vascularity since i began taking the product. I look harder and tighter from top to bottom. I am not only getting stronger on a daily basis, but my physique is becoming much harder which i must attribute to the ultimate stack.. I have not changed up my diet or routine since i began taking this. I have a picture that i took on day one, and am going to take another after day 14 and one at the end of the month. I will post the first two after my second week so that everyone can see that changes that I have already achieved.

Keep your fingers crossed

Posted: October 11, 2012 in Uncategorized

I am still awaiting my newest and hopefully most effective product yet.  I am hoping that it will arrive before the weekend so that I have it for my next session in the gym.  Can not wait


not feeling well today

Posted: September 14, 2012 in Uncategorized

I have not felt well for the last several days.  My head feels like it is about to explode, and my eyes and nose will not stop running.  What do you do to get past the sickness and back into health


Obviously I took a little time away, but I have refocused, re-energized, and remotivated myself to reach all of my goals.  Yesterday I had a good chest workout, but today I had a awesome day of deadlift.  Had a great, complete workout of 5 sets then decided to pull ones up to 455.  Have not tried that much weight in a while and definitely not after a workout, but I did manage to pull it. It was easier than I thought it was going to be.  I believe I am getting really close to my first goal which is 495(3 times my body weight).  Once I am able to pull that weight, I will begin looking for competitions.  

What’s for dinner?

Posted: July 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

Decided to not only change my snacking habits, but to also tweak my entire diet to increase protein levels.  Had Salsa Chicken, Rice, and Broccoli for dinner.  Egg whites, Protein bar and some Protein infused pudding for snacks throughout the day.  I am still looking for some good recipes or new ideas all together when it comes to protein intake.  Anyone out there have any new ideas for me?

I always try to plan my workouts around Monday, although unlike most people I try to avoid training Chest on Monday.  No matter where I am, I walk into a gym on a Monday and people are all over the Flat Bench.  Those that are not using a Bench are keeping their eyes peeled for one to open up.  Not once have I had a problem jumping on a squat rack or pulling a deadlift.  You would think others would realize this and make the same adjustments that I have.  Thank god, they have not.   It is hard enough for me to get into the gym and out in a reasonable amount of time(just ask my wife), let alone with having to fight for a machine.  Yell at me and let me know how you plan your week

I am combining two posts into one.  I did not feel well this weekend, but still managed to make it to the gym for a quick workout.  Both days went better than i thought they would have, but not nearly to the level that I have been lifting.  I need some advice.  I am sticking around 455 lbs on my dead lift.  I was making gains steadily up until about a month ago.  I do have a goal of 500 lbs that I would love to hit by the end of august.  What suggestions do you have to help me push past my plateau and help guide me on my way to my goal.  500 at a weight of 165 is where i want to be.  I know that I will get there, but I could use a little help along the way.

500 from a hitch

Posted: June 12, 2012 in Uncategorized

Today was a good day. I was able to pull 500 lb deadlift from 3″ off the ground. I am going to utilize the same weight and work my way closer and closer to the ground. I would not say that it was easy or that it felt light, but I was able to pull it after completing an entire deadlift workout from the floor(working up to 430). I am finding that I am becoming more comfortable with the Sumo style each and every time in the gym.
I do need to get back on a proper diet tomorrow. Being on vacation, I was not as disciplined as usual. That is going to change tomorrow when I go back to work. I enjoyed my time off with my family, but it is time to get back to reality.

Had a great Dead lift workout today.  It was only the second day that I was lifting using the sumo technique, but I have to say that I am happy with the results thus far.  Worked up to 425 in sets of 2 from the floor, then placed the bar 3″ off the ground and worked up to 495 in 1 rep sets.  I felt good all the way thru the workout and feel that I could have pulled 525 from the lead.  Squat is getting stronger every day.  I have to admit that I am still embarrassed with the weight that I squat considering it is less than I bench, but I am feeling good with the way that I am progressing.  Had another man at the gym asking advice on lifting and supplements.  As much as I hate this, it is flattering.  Anyone out there have any questions for me, please let me know.  I am here for you as much as you are for me.  I will gladly take any suggestions that any of you might have as well.

Had a great lift yesterday.  Worked out Chest and Tris, the first time in the gym in about 3 weeks.  I took time off to let my back heal.   I tore my chest rather severely 3 years ago, and it took me over a year to get back into the weight room.  I do not take any injury or pain for granted anymore.  I would rather take a couple of weeks off coming back strong then put myself out indefinitely.  Worked out my Chest with slow steady reps, working on form and ensuring i received a great stretch.  I knew that after taking the time off, no matter what i did i was going to be a little sore this morning.  All in all, i do not feel all that bad.  That will all  change next week when i dig back into a powerlifting workout.  I am in the need of a strong Pre-workout and a potent Intra-workout.  If anyone has any suggestions, i would be glad to give them a try.  Going into the gym today for Legs, Bis.  Hoping for the same as yesterday.  Slow, steady lifts, but a great stretch.  My back feels good today, as it did yesterday but i want to ensure that it is healed completely before i push it.