Archive for July, 2012

Was able to make it to the gym for a quick workout today.  Have to admit, that I did not really want to go today.   With my work schedule being off rotation this week, it effected my rotation in the gym.  I did however make in the gym for a quick 45 minute workout.  Due to time constraints I pushed for a super set workout.  Not only did I get in a decent workout, but the change of pace was good for my body and mind.  I think I will make more adjustments to my workouts from time to time.   Let me know what you do to change up your workouts.

What’s for dinner?

Posted: July 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

Decided to not only change my snacking habits, but to also tweak my entire diet to increase protein levels.  Had Salsa Chicken, Rice, and Broccoli for dinner.  Egg whites, Protein bar and some Protein infused pudding for snacks throughout the day.  I am still looking for some good recipes or new ideas all together when it comes to protein intake.  Anyone out there have any new ideas for me?

$10 PayPal – 24 hours Only!

Posted: July 29, 2012 in Fun Stuff

   Want to win an EASY $10 PayPal Cash??? AllThingsAbby and Mike’s on a Mission have teamed up to bring you a super easy giveaway! There’s only ONE entry to this giveaway and it’s open for 24 hours only! Hurry and enter!! Winner has 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen.


    Go HERE to enter this giveaway!

Had one of the worst workouts that I have had in a long time.  The Flat Bench was extremely low(could not get good drive).  It was not leveled(right side 3 inches lower) and the Bar was older than I was(markings were off).  I am not sure why, but I was unable to get motivated today.  Normally I will get in the gym and kill it on Bench.  Today, I wanted nothing more but to get in and get out.  Hoping this feeling will not carry over to Legs tomorrow..  I am on a 4 day weekend from work and do not want to spend a lot of time in the gym but would like to get good workouts in.  The only thing that I hate about leaving home for more than a night is having to lift in a new gym.  It always takes me a little time to readjust to the equipment.  Anyone else out there have the same trouble?

I have been using “Maniac” from AI Sports Nutrition for two weeks now.  I did not want to post a review until I was sure of its effectiveness.  In just a short period of time, I have found my workouts to be more intensive and full of motivation.  I am adding reps to each set, and find myself able to add at least one more set to each exercise.  They should rename is product “1MS”(one more set).  With the extra rep and set, I can tell my determination is back.  I am reinvigorated to driven to achieve my goals.  Unlike other products, I do not feel the tingle that would accompany them.  Maniac is a great tasting product.  Surprisingly tasting  exactly like Pink Lemonade, probably the best tasting supplement that I have ever had.  Maniac is a complete supplement, achieving a rating of 9 out of 10 from me.  I found that in order to receive a great pump from the competition, I would have to take the maximum suggested serving of 3 scoops.  With Maniac I am finding a great pump, drive and results from anywhere from 1 and a half to two scoops.  Great product with Superb results.  I would recommend this product to anyone wanting to maximize their workouts and see results in a short period of time.  With the gains that I am seeing in a short period of time, I can only imagine what I would get from one of their stacks

I always try to plan my workouts around Monday, although unlike most people I try to avoid training Chest on Monday.  No matter where I am, I walk into a gym on a Monday and people are all over the Flat Bench.  Those that are not using a Bench are keeping their eyes peeled for one to open up.  Not once have I had a problem jumping on a squat rack or pulling a deadlift.  You would think others would realize this and make the same adjustments that I have.  Thank god, they have not.   It is hard enough for me to get into the gym and out in a reasonable amount of time(just ask my wife), let alone with having to fight for a machine.  Yell at me and let me know how you plan your week

Huge Back to School Giveaway!

Posted: July 23, 2012 in Fun Stuff
Can you believe it’s that time again?! We would like to help soften the blow of back
to school shopping with a Back To School
Jump Start Giveaway!!!
We’ve teamed up with some amazing
page owners to bring you this giveaway!
Three lucky winners are going to
receive the ultimate back to school
back pack full of supplies!
Winners will select their color of Eastsport
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one of each of the following, winners choice:
pack of pencils
pack of paper
pack of colored pencils
set of highlighters
Javascript must be enabled to enter this giveaway. Learn how to activate Javascript by clicking here.
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Chicago Pizza, not a big fan

Posted: July 18, 2012 in Lifting

Just returned from Chicago today.  I was able to get in a small shoulder workout on monday.  This is however, my late week at work which always makes it difficult to make it to the gym.  probably going to get a chest day in and light deadlift day out in the garage tomorrow.  I did however break my diet.  I tried a Chicago Pizza for the first time this week.  Being from New York, I have to say that I was not impressed whatsoever.  I did not hate it, but will not spend the money on one again.   Sorry Chicago

The power is returning

Posted: July 15, 2012 in Lifting

Between Chest yesterday, and Squats and Deadlift today I have to say that my pre tear strength is almost back.  I am finding myself getting motivated to hit the gym a lot easier now and finding that I have more energy and stamina in the gym..  The reason is two fold.  One, with my strength coming back I find that I am reinvigorated and amped for the next set.  Not long ago, I was having two force myself to the gym and to keep pushing thru my workout.  It was not easy, but I knew that I would soon get to this point.  Two, The pre-workout that I am now using seems to give me an increase push to begin my workout and keeps my moving and on point thru each and every lift.  Keep posted to my blog as I am going to be revealing which supplement I am using that is giving me these great gains.  Not only am I feeling more energized in the gym not, but I am seeing the gains already.  My strength is not where it was before tearing my chest, but I can finally say that it is not far away.

First day back in the gym after vacation and I had one of the best lifting days that i have had in a long time.  Usually, I find it hard to stay motivated when lifting alone.  Today, was definitely the exception.  I was the only one in the gym for 90% of my time there.  The strange thing was that I stay motivated, focused  and driven the entire time there.  Not sure if it was the supplements that I took before hand(will tell you what those were later in the week) or if it was the little nap that I took with my son just before heading to the gym.  I am finding it hard however to just snack on high protein items.  I am sick of the same old shake and hard boiled eggs.  I would appreciate any ideas that you all might have for variations on these.  I do have to say that i am excited about lifting tomorrow,  I am going to use the same mixture for a pre-workout as today in order to see if it had a factor.